New QTS Pump Size and Rectangular Inlet Options
Posted on by Sara Springer
New Size QTS 50
- Inlet/Outlet Sizes: 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″
- Flows to: 7.5 GPM (Process) / 15 GPM (CIP)
- Differential Pressure to 150 PSI
- Same Viscosity & Temperature as Other Sizes
- 100000 cPs
- 300 F
Rectangular Inlet Options
Q-Pumps is the only manufacturer of twin screw pumps that offers the widest range of options for rectangular inlets, allowing the user to select the one that best suits their production processes.
- Ideal for pasty products such as meats and doughs.
- High viscosity handling (100,000 to 1,000,000 cP).
- Ideal for products with high air or gas content.
- Perfect for vacuum applications with high and low viscosity products.
- Ideal for applications with low NPSHd
- CIP capacity